For assistance, please contact the Court. Phone: 817-748-8188 Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8am to 1pm; 2pm to 5pm.
3 Easy Steps to request one of the options below:
Find these payment options
(click the EXPLORE OPTIONS button).
Deferred Disposition Option: Requests for a 90-day Deferred Disposition can be made online for certain moving violations. A $25.00 special expense fee will be added to the cost of the citation. IMPORTANT: People 18-24 years old (at the time of citation) MUST complete a Driving Safety Course within their 90-day Deferred Disposition.
Driving Safety Course Option:
Pay $144 (regular zone) or $169 (school zone), then complete a 6-hour Driving Safety Course and order a State Driver Record within 90 days.
Extension of Time to Pay on a Conviction:
Pay $10 today and pay the balance of the citation in the next 30 days. This option results in a conviction and may be reported on your state Driver Record.
Dismissal for Expired Registration (License Plates): Upload your current Vehicle Registration (with the Late Penalty Fee itemized as paid). Pay the $20 dismissal fee.
Pay the Fine in Full Without Prior Appearance
(Select the EXPLORE OPTIONS Button)
Any violation paid online will be recorded as a conviction unless you have already been granted an extension of time to pay by the Court. Convictions are reported to the State of Texas Department of Public Safety.
Full or Partial Payments on cases with a prior plea: Partial payments can be submitted on cases where you have already entered a plea and the Court has granted time to pay the balance. When confirming the payment amount, click on the payment total to change the amount that you want to pay.
Previously Requested Driving Safety Course option. For cases already granted the Driving Safety Course option, adjust the payment amount to pay the required fee: $144.00 for regular zone; $169.00 for school zone violations.
IMPORTANT: To request Deferred Disposition, Driving Safety, a Dismissal, or Time to Pay, see the Explore Options section above and select the EXPLORE OPTIONS button.
Any warrant paid online will be recorded as a conviction. If payment is made outside business hours, the warrant will not be cleared until the following business day.
Warrant Payment: To pay the FULL amount of a warrant to clear the warrant and close the case, select the EXPLORE OPTIONS button.
Payments for defendants who are currently in custody should be paid at the jail where they are in being held, and not online.